We specialize in providing competitive, comprehensive insurance programs to the Camp and Conference Center community.
In the mid-1980s, Hibbs-Hallmark & Co. Insurance began insuring children's summer camps in the Texas Hill Country. Now, we find ourselves providing coverage to camps around the world.
We strive to maintain our position as an independent insurance agent and, as such, we represent several of the nation's best camp insurance programs. We believe our clients benefit from our ability to shop among several competitive camp programs.
Our programs offer the following types of coverage:
General Liability
Can include sexual abuse and molestation, camp directors liability, medical malpractice for camp doctor or nurse.
Property Insurance
With property broadening forms available, business income, and extra expense.
Inland Marine
Camp equipment, builders' risk, electronic equipment policy, boiler and machinery.
Automobile Insurance
Coverage for camp vehicles, year round and short term, buses, vans, hired/non-owned vehicles.
Workers' Compensation
We represent several national highly rated insurance companies, offering coverage in all states. This program is very competitive and can be written on a stand-alone basis.
We offer umbralla policies with limits from $1,000,000 to $100,000,000.
Camper Accident Medical and Sickness
We represent four A-rated carriers offering a variety of coverage plans. We offer both primary and excess plans, depending on your need. Policies can include coverage for staff and volunteers as well.
The following partners have been selected to help our clients better manage their risk(s).
Praesidium, Inc.
A partnership for camp clients to help reduce the risk of sexual abuse and false allegations of abuse at your camp. Learn More about Praesidium.
Lodgepole Property System
A 10% discount is available to clients of Hibbs-Hallmark & Co. Insurance on property and facility management software, which is designed to provide you with an efficient tool to
manage your risk(s) and plan strategically for the future. Learn more about Lodgepole Property System.
Hibbs-Hallmark & Co. Insurance is proud to offer our clients comprehensive background checks through IntelliCorp.
The base package includes a seven-year address history, validated criminal database search, and any government sanctions.
Additional search items are available to fit your needs. HHC clients receive a discounted price of $18.55 for the base package.
Learn more about Intellicorp.
Expert Online Training (EOT)
Expert Online Training (EOT) offers pre-camp staff training. Your organization may be eligible to receive EOT trainings at little or no expense. Learn more about EOT courses.

Hibbs-Hallmark & Co. Insurance
800.765.6767 (Toll-Free)
Extension 5607

Hibbs-Hallmark & Co. Insurance, Houston
800.765.6767 (Toll-Free)
Extension 1130

Hibbs-Hallmark & Co. Insurance, San Antonio
800.765.6767 (Toll-Free)
903.581.5988 (Fax)
Extension 1170